Discitur Project
In the first sprint was making a simple controller that displayed the data in a lesson. The lesson is a entity composed of several sub-entities. The structure that I foresaw in front-end is:
- Lesson (title, school, classroom, content, rate, publishedOn,
- Author (name, surname, etc)
- Good Practices List (lesson’s pro)
- Good (description)
- Bads Practices List (lesson’s cons)
- Bads (description)
- Tags List
For the approach defined in the Refining Cycle I developed the FE with the mock service, I checked with the PO the result and then I realized the back end. On Back-end side I found most suitable to provide a model (entity-table) providing for a single Entity/Table LessonFeedback to enter both the pros and cons of a lesson, differentiating through the “Nature” attribute of FeedBack
At Back-end side, my entity model is something like the following:
- Lesson
- Author (name, surname, email, userName, etc)
- FeedBacks List
- FeedBack (Nature, description)
- Tags List
This approach and the scenario itself, in fact, is very common in a lot of enterprise scenarios, it happens that:
- there are separate groups for analysis and development of the FE and BE
- there is already a dictionary of services (SOA, REST, etc. ..) ready to use that return the data you need. None Back-end developer will make a copy of an existing service to give you back the structure that you expect on the FE. And it’s usually right.
I always find it useful and important, therefore, to mark a clear line of separation between FE and BE for a lot of reasons. That’s why, even without having to deal with remote systems, I like to implement DTO classes for transferring data from an Object Model services to the needs of the specific front-end.
In Angular, I realized all through the use of Services and Promises, below are some useful articles (beyond the official documentation):
- http://blog.brunoscopelliti.com/angularjs-promise-or-dealing-with-asynchronous-requests-in-angularjs
- http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2527-Defining-Instantiatable-Classes-In-The-AngularJS-Dependency-Injection-Framework.htm
- https://egghead.io/lessons/angularjs-chained-promises
That’s the code.
Now the controller becomes simple
and its template works on an Object Model decoupled from Back-End.
This design has the advantage of reduce future reworks due to changes in the backend service that does not require changes to the user interface to just the LessonService code.